Gynaecological Cytology Syllabus
- Introduction to Cytology
- History of Cytology
- Competencies
- Screening Programmes
- Safety in the Laboratory
- Microscopy
- Staining Techniques
- Medical Terminology
- The Female Genital Tract
- Cell Ultrastructure
- Squamous Differentiation
- Cells of the Pap Smear
- Taking a Pap Smear
- Benign Proliferative Reactions: Metaplasia; Keratosis
- Cell Activity, Cell Cycles, Injury, Apoptosis
- Cell Pathology, Infections; Inflammatory processes in the vagina and
cervix; - Repair and Regeneration
- Endocrine Status of the Woman. Menstrual Cycle
- Hormonal Cytology
- Cytology in Pregnancy
- Nomenclature: Papanicolau;WHO;CIN;The Bethesda System
- Epidemiology of Cervical Cancer
- Atypical Squamous Cells
- Pre-Cancerous Lesions of the Cervix
- The role of Human Papilloma Virus in Cancer of the Cervix
- Squamous Cancers of the Cervix
- Diseases of the Vulva and Vagina
- Cytology of Glandular Cells
- Adenocarcinomas and Related Tumours of the Cervix and Uterus
- Metastatic Tumours
- Cytology of Liquid Based Preparations
- Iatrogenic Cytology
- Treatment Options: Colposcopy, Cauterisation, Cryotherapy Miscellaneous
Cytology: Vitamin Deficiency, Curshman’s Spiral, Hydatidiform moles etc. - Preparatory Techniques for Non Gynae Cytology
- Quality Assurance in Cytology
This course contains 4 quizzes, 4 practical slide tests, 1 mid-term examination, 1 FINAL EXAM (theory and practical). Journal Reviews, 1 Project and Weekly Staining Practicals and Daily Cellular Screening, either microscopic, computer images or projector images.
The final examination is marked by 1 internal examiner and 2 external examinations, at least one senior cytologist and one pathologist.
The course is certified by CASMET, The Caribbean Association of Medical Technologists.